10 Hotel paling futuristik

10 Hotel paling futuristik - Hallo sahabat BilaHATiBerbicara ♡, Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan membahas artkel yang berjudul 10 Hotel paling futuristik, saya telah menyediakan berbagai macam artikel terbaru lainnya. mudah mudahan artikel yang saya tulis ini bermanfaat buat anda semuanya.

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Judul : 10 Hotel paling futuristik

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    10 Hotel paling futuristik

    10. The Apeiron island hotel

    Designer: Sybarite
    Status: Concept
    Estimated project cost: $500million

    9. Foldable hotel pods

    Designer: m3 Architects, London
    Estimated project cost: $72 to $104 million

    8. The hotel Burj al-Arab

    Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
    Designer: Tom Wright (WS Atkins PLC), Khuan Chew
    Status: Complete
    Estimated project cost: $650 million
    Cost per person: $1,000 to over $28,000 per night, $75 to have a glimpse from inside

    7. Waterworld

    6. The Poseidon Undersea Resort

    Location: Fiji, The Poseidon Mystery Island
    Designer: Bruce Jones
    Status: Under construction, will be completed by September 2008
    Estimated project cost: $105 million
    Cost per person: $15,000 per week

    5. The Hydropolis

    Location: Dubai
    Designer: Joachim Hauser, Crescent Hydropolis Resorts
    Estimated project cost: $500-million

    4. The Lunatic Hotel

    Designer: Hans-Jurgen Rombaut, Wimberly Allison Tong & Goo (WATG)
    Status: Blueprint ready, will take real shape by 2050

    3. Aeroscraft

    Designer: Igor Pasternak (Worldwide Aeros Corporation), Wimberly Allison Tong & Goo (WATG)
    Status: Prototype under development

    2. Galactic Suite

    Designer: Xavier Claramunt of ADD+ARQUITECTURA
    Status: On hold, prototype is ready

    1. Commercial Space Station Skywalker

    Designer: Bigelow Aerospace, Las Vegas
    Location: 515-kms above Earth
    Status: The human space complex will be accessible by 2015
    Estimated project cost: $500 million
    Cost per person: $1 million a night

    Sumber: http://hermawayne.blogspot.com/2009/02/10-hotel-paling-futuristik.html

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    ,10 Hotel paling futuristik xxx .

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